Five rules of employment

Every company, whether it is small or big, start-up or on the market for a couple of years eventually faces the question of how to hire a new employee who is right for the team. In order to facilitate the process and make it more successful in the long run and best for both the employer and the candidate, we have prepared five rules of employment that will enable you to find suitable candidates and build a culture based on company values in the long run.

1. Employment means responsibility

Regardless of the size of the company, team, or mode of operation, the employment of new employees is a unique responsibility, especially for two reasons. We will bring an individual to our existing team who will create and participate with other members of the team and thus influence the mood and operation of the team. On the other hand, we will employ an individual who usually comes from a certain environment, that is, another company – the change of position is of enormous importance to him and a new step in their life path. Before the individual makes this big step, we should do everything in our power to ensure that the decision is the right one for both, the new employee and us.

2. What is your need?

In order to reach a mutually satisfactory decision, we must understand what exactly we need before the commencement of employment.

● What will be the main tasks of the new employee?
● What will his / her tasks be in half a year? What will be the individual’s influence and what will their growth opportunities be?
● What kind of knowledge and experience are essential for the position?
● What are the desirable knowledge and experience, which the candidate lacks but would develop in the company when he / she is already employed, as the employer can afford it?

It is only by defining the need that we get to understand what exactly we want – later, the needs can be adjusted according to the available candidates. In any case, it is not wise to shape needs solely with regard to the current state and position, which requires immediate attention.

3. Determination and unification of criteria

What is it that we do not want in the company? What are our immediate and irrevocable ‘no’s? What behaviours are desirable and what are undesirable? Although it may seem easy, it is important for each company to be aware of what kind of culture it wants to build in the future. It is also important that the criteria are unified throughout the company, among all individuals involved in the employment processes.

4. Compatibility of values

The goal of every company should be to find employees whose values are aligned to the company’s values.

Why is this so important? The management sets the values of the company, and the employees maintain the culture based on these values. It is also important that all company employees clearly understand the company values. If, during the employment process we fail to determine the candidate’s values, and whether his career vision is in line with the vision and goals of our company, we might face greater dismissal. It is essential in the employment that we get to know the candidates for the position, before we conclude the contract of employment, to the extent that we are able to know whether the cooperation will be successful and long-term, and whether the new employee will bring new energy, stimulation and empathy to the team.

5. It is always worth waiting for a good candidate

Employment is a process that has to be seen in the broader and long-term. If we take into account all of the above steps, we can make sure that we employ a candidate, who will stay with us long term – that way he will grow at the workplace and simultaneously provide the desired results to the company. It is important for us to start the employment process at the right time and not when we are in over our head, as we can quickly find ourselves compromising, not devoting enough time to employment, and hiring a person without actually knowing him. We should stick to our criteria, as in the long run they can create or undermine the culture of our company. It is sometimes better to wait for the best candidate (nevertheless, we did devote energy to finding the right one), rather than employ a person who, according to experience or knowledge, fails to meet the criteria for the job. This can lead to dissatisfaction for both the candidate and us.

By following these rules, the employment process can be carried out confidently, with attention to the needs and criteria of our company and the candidate. Only in this way can we achieve successful and long-term collaboration.

If you think that you need professional help and would like to acquire knowledge that will help you in the field of employment of the most suitable candidates in the long term, we will help you through the interactive workshop Employ the ideal candidate.